TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING December 6th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Approval of Liquor license for Maple Bear Campground 7. Roads a. Supervisors' Report 8. WTA advice on Petition to get WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan.
9. Security System update.
10. Approval of election workers a. Kathy David D\ b. Mary Wolf I c. Jackie Horabik D d. Loyetta Dennis R e. Anita Scholtz I f. Sam Niedziela R
11. BOR date Open Book Monday May 9th, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Board of Review Monday May 16th, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
12. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
13. Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Transportation Budget of 135,000: Employee Pay: $45.00/hr for equipment larger than a lawn mower with minimum of hour pay $35.00/hr for lawn mower and smaller equipment with hour minimum pay $15.00/hr pay for all employees
Salary increases for Town Board removed till next year.
TOWN OF SKANAWAN, LINCOLN COUNTY TOWN BOARD MEETING OF ELECTORS November 8th, 2021 6:30 pm Motion made to vote to approve Transportation Budget by John Lazars seconded Mike S. Motion carried.
Motion made to vote to approve new payroll for equipment and hourly pay. John Lazars made motion to vote on new payroll as described above and seconded by Mike S. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:56pm.
Minutes: Read. Motion made to approve by Wally H and Seconded by Mike L. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 293,630.22; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 343,185.72; Investment Pool 78,877.49; Total Cash and Bank accounts 372,507.71; Equipment fund 4,748.86; Highway fund remaining balance
Town Budget Approval: Motion made to approve 2022 Town Budget and payroll increase for equipment and hourly pay by Ben M and seconded by Wally H. Budget and payroll approved. Recycling: Recycling next week.
Roads: Mike reported all roads in normal condition and good shape for winter. Wally reported Bear Trail was graded and in good shape. Stevens road culvert is in poor shape and will need replaced in spring. Remainder of roads in good shape.
Approval of County Redistricting of Skanawan Ward 1: Ben M made motion to approve county redistricting Town of Skanawan with Ward 1, Wally seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Chairmans Report: Discussion of roads Public Issue: John L appreciated new speed limit sign. John L commented that Musson’s Brothers did a good job plowing. Mike S. Legal Issues: No new issues New Town Hall: Nothing
Meeting adjourned: 7:44pm Next Meeting: November 8th, 6pm 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN TOWN BOARD BUDGET HEARING Monday November 8th- 6:00 p.m. Followed by 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Discussion of Budget a. Transportation budget 135,000.00 b. employee pay $45.00/hr large equipment $30.00/hr small equipment $15.00/hr payroll c. salaries 3.00% increase
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING November 8th- 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes Approval of 2022 Budget
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Discussion of roads 7. Approval of County Redistricting of Skanawan Ward 1.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Wally H moved to approve the minutes from August, Mike L seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 305,661.12; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 276,339.13; Investment Pool 78,867.84; Total Cash and Bank accounts 384,528.96; Equipment fund 4,748.86; Highway fund remaining balance Recycling: 47 residence attended. Bins are almost full. Advance will pick up before next recycling. Next recycling is 9-12 hours. Mike L brought in an example sign to place at Dumpsters. Ben will have sign made.
Roads: Wally reported Cranes Foot is repaired. Stevens road needs repaired near culvert. Bear Trail is in good shape. One spot in gravel on Grundy needs repaired. Road should be graded before winter. Resident asked if chip seal will be swept. It will be after a month. Mike L reported good input from residents on roads. Cloverbelt has a large pothole repaired. The rest are in normal condition. Speed Limit Sign: New signs ordered. Security system: System was installed on October 6th. Road Bids under $25,000: 1. Single Chip Seal West Silver lake Road from V to end: 0.64 miles x 20ft. $11,200.00 - COMPLETED 2. Single Chip Seal Skanawan Lake Road from S to end: 0.83 miles x 18ft. $14,160.00 - COMPLETED 3. Flex Patch and Crack Seal Grundy Road: 9,000ft x 20ft/ appox. 103 cracks $16,250.00 - COMPLETED 4. Cold mix wedge to regain profile of lanes. Grundy Road from W3498 E to W3440: 750ft x 21 ft.15,264.00 - NOT COMPLETED 5. Flex Patch and Crack Seal Stevenson: 792ft x 22ft. $10,523.00 - COMPLETED
Town Hall plowing: Mike S and Mike L. will do plowing this year . That will include shoveling sidewalk and snowplowing around dumpsters.
Will discuss the completion of these next month.
Petition WPS Underground Power Lines: Chris Kurtzweil spoke of creating a petition for the Residence to sign and submit to WPS. He brought a copy of a petition that he’d like us to include with the tax bills. Ben M will contact the WTA to verify that we can legally promote the petition. Chairmans Report: no issues Legal Issues: No new issues New Town Hall: Nothing Town Payments and Equipment licenses: 15/hr employee pay. Small equipment 30/hr and large equipment 45/hr. Meeting adjourned: 7:44pm Next Meeting: November 8th, 6pm 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:24 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mike l moved to approve the minutes from August, Ben M seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 313,275.91; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 283,953.92; Investment Pool 78,874.03; Total Cash and Bank accounts 392,149.94; Equipment fund 4,748.86; Highway fund remaining balance Recycling: Sue Erickson did recycling. 43 people attended and 2 bins are full. On the forth Saturday recycling started an hour late, but turn out was good.
Roads: Mike L reported S Cloverbelt needs graded next time town grades. The rest of the roads are normal driving conditions. Wally reported Cranes Foot needs repairs and will be attended to by Musson’s. Bear trail is a little wash board. The rest of the roads are in normal driving condition. Speed Limit Sign: New signs will be ordered next month.
Road Bids under $25,000: 1. Single Chip Seal West Silver lake Road from V to end: 0.64 miles x 20ft. $11,200.00 2. Single Chip Seal Skanawan Lake Road from S to end: 0.83 miles x 18ft. $14,160.00 3. Flex Patch and Crack Seal Grundy Road: 9,000ft x 20ft/ appox. 103 cracks $16,250.00 4. Single Chip Seal Grundy Road from W3498 E to W3440: 750ft x 21 ft. 15,264.00 5. Flex Patch and Crack Seal Stevenson: 792ft x 22ft. $10,523.00 Will discuss the completion of these next month. Will discuss changing the speed limit on Bear Trail.
Petition WPS Underground Power Lines: Chris Kurtzweil spoke of creating a petition for the Residence to sign and submit to WPS. He brought a copy of a petition that he’d like us to include with the tax bills. Ben M will contact the WTA to verify that we can legally promote the petition.
Security System: Board approved the Eagle Security System for $3490.00 installed. Ben made a motion, Mike seconded and motion approved.
Chairmans Report: JJ Brushing called asking if the Town had cameras because damage was done to a vehicle. Mike L will get a copy of other Townships Recycling signs of consequences for illegal dumping.
Legal Issues: No new issues
New Town Hall: Nothing Town Payments and Equipment licenses: Will continue to discuss next month. Will consider changing payments at budget meeting. Meeting adjourned: 8:18pm Next Meeting: October 11h, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING October 11th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Discuss progress on approved bids. c. Discuss progress on Speed limit signs to 25mph on Bear Trail/Skanawan Lake Road.
6a. Lincoln county Redistricting timeline.
7. WTA advice on Petition to get WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan.
8. Security System update.
8. Employee and Equipment payments
9. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic. TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING September 13th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Discuss progress on approved bids. c. Discuss progress on Speed limit signs to 25mph on Skanawan Lake Road.
7. Petition progress to get WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan
8. Security System update and additional quotes.
8. Employee and Equipment payments
9. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors:Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben M moved to approve the minutes from July, Mike seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 291,213.00; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 261,891.01; Investment Pool 78,867.84; Total Cash and Bank accounts 370,080.84; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance Recycling: Good turn out on the second Saturday. On the forth Saturday recycling started an hour late but turn out was good.
Roads: Mike reported Grundy and Cloverbelt have small potholes that still need repaired. Kyes road still has wash out. Cloverbelt E needs graded. Other roads are in good shape. Wally reported that Stevens Road has wash out spots. Tree down on David Road. Bear Trail and Gerbick needs graded. Grundy South road has chip seal that still needs to be patched. There are still logs on the side of roads that need removed Speed Limit Sign: WTA said we can reduce Speed Limits by 25mph without County or State approval. Will have to get WPS to check for underground lines before posting new signs. Board would like to reduce speed to 25mph on certain roads. Mike mad a motion to change Skananwan Lake road down to 25mph. Ben seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Road Bids under $25,000: Town posted last week that the Town Board will be discussing road bids under $25,000, so that the board can act on those bids. Bids available for viewing at Town Hall per request to Chairman or a Supervisor. Resident spoke that some damage to roads were done by Propane trucks and the condition of his road because of the trucks. Ben made a motion to approval the 5 bids for road work, each under $25,000, for a total of 67,397.00 Wally seconded the motion. Motion passed. All bids can be reviewed at the Town Hall per request to the Town Chairman or one of the Supervisors. 1. Single Chip Seal West Silver lake Road from V to end: 0.64 miles x 20ft. $11,200.00 2. Single Chip Seal Skanawan Lake Road from S to end: 0.83 miles x 18ft. $14,160.00 3. Flex Patch and Crack Seal Grundy Road: 9,000ft x 20ft/ approx. 103 cracks $16,250.00 4. Single Chip Seal Grundy Road from W3498 E to W3440: 750ft x 21 ft. 15,264.00 5. Flex Patch and Crack Seal Stevenson: 792ft x 22ft. $10,523.00
Petition WPS Underground Power Lines: Resident spoke of creating a petition for the Residents to sign and submit to WPS.
Security System: Board discussed quote received from Eagle Tech for Security system. Total cost would be approximately $3,500.00. Mike S will get a second quote.
Chairmans Report: ARPA Meeting for Covid grants. The meeting discussed what the grant money could be used for. It is very specific and must meet guidelines to use the funds. Ben gave update concerning the property on CTY H that the County took over due to unpaid fines and taxes. County gave previous owner time to remove items on property before proceeding with liquidation of property. Posting Boards need to be mounted next month because old ones are in very poor shape. Board discussed what kind of handicap ramp to install. Board discussed remaining items to be completed on Town Hall.
Legal Issues: No new issues New Town Hall: Nothing Town Payments and Equipment licenses: Will continue to discuss next month. Will consider changing payments at budget meeting.
Meeting adjourned: 8:58pm Next Meeting: September 13th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING August 9th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Discuss and approve bids for Roads. No single bid per Road to exceed $25,000. c. Discuss and vote to change Speed limit signs to 25mph on Skanawan Lake Road.
7. Petition to get WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan
8. Employee and Equipment payments
9. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben M moved to approve the minutes from May, Mike seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 250,736.70; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 221,414.71; Investment Pool 78,865.00; Total Cash and Bank accounts 300,282.55; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance 113,968.30. Recycling: Good turn out and 3/4 dumpsters were full.
Roads:Mike reported Grundy and Cloverbelt small potholes need repaired. Rest are in good shape. Kyes road still being discussed.
Wally reported that all gravel roads are in good shape. Grundy South road has chip seal that still needs to pached. Grundy and Stevenson intersection needs to be swept. Also, residents on Skanawan Lake road would like the speed limit changed to 35mph. Discussed chip seal options and why some roads were not graded.
Legal Issues: No new issues
New Town Hall: Nothing
Town Payments and Equipment licenses: Will continue to discuss next month. Will consider changing payments at budget meeting.
Chairman’s report:
Meeting adjourned: 7:45pm Next Meeting: August 9th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING July 12th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report
7. Town Hall legal issues
8. Employee and Equipment payments
9. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SKANAWAN, LINCOLN COUNTY TOWN BOARD MEETING June 14th, 2021 7:00 pm
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben M moved to approve the minutes from May, Mike seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 260,957.29; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 231,635.30; Investment Pool 78,865.00; Total Cash and Bank accounts 339,822.29; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance 125,966.37. Recycling: Good turn out and dumpsters were full. Two people were turned away but were okay with returning in two weeks. Recycling has changed to twice a month for the summer.
Roads:.Mike reported that the corners on cloverbelt that need repaired. Corner Bear Trail and Grundy road sign still missing.
Wally reported that he left a message with DNR about the boatlanding on Gerbick lake and follow up next month. David, Bear Trail, and Peterson roads have washouts. Brush pile still on Bear Trail. Trucks have been tearing up the intersection at Bear Trail and Grundy. Grundy, Crane Foot and Stevens have blacktop repairs needed.
Legal Issues: No new issues
New Town Hall: Nothing
Town Payments and Equipment licenses: Will continue to discuss next month. Will consider changing payments at budget meeting.
Liquor licenses: Ben made a motion to approve Cloverclub and Birkensee liquor licenses. Motion was where approved.
Chairman’s report: Complaints about a driveway on Peterson Road. Ben will discuss next month.
Meeting adjourned: 7:55pm Next Meeting: July 12th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING June 14th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Wally moved to approve the minutes from February, Mike seconded. Minutes were approved. Annual meeting minutes also approved motion by Mike L and seconded by Wally. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 255,496.93; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 305,036.71; Investment Pool 78,861.77; Total Cash and Bank accounts 334,358.70; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance 125,966.37. Recycling: Good turn out and ample space in dumpsters. Some complaints because
Roads:.Gerbert lake road needs grading and new culvert. Tree in ditch on Bear Trail that needs removed. Bear Trail also needs grading. Stevens road culvert has a bump . David need work and old culvert still needs removed. Grundy and H intersection needs patch work. Culvert on blacktop portion on Grundy needs repaired. Mike L reported Cloverbelt has a few spots that need repaired. Silver Lake roads look good. Gerbet lake Slow Lake Zone signs have been removed. Wally H will call the DNR. Ben will check on gravel prices and call on status on blacktopping Cty Road S.
Legal Issues: No new issues
Cemetery Staking Fee: Ben made motion made to create $75.00 Staking Burial fee. Wally seconded it and motion passed. Need to remark cemetery.
New Town Hall: Mike S made list of items that need completed. Board looking for someone to put in new steps and ramp at entrances of Town Hall. Board will look into landscaping and auto water flushing.
Security System: nothing
Town Payments: Will continue to discuss next month.
Illegal Junkyard: County now owns the property.
Equipment charges: Check with other Clerks for next month.
Chairman’s report: Ordinances Ben received referrals for a new Attorney.
Meeting adjourned: 7:55pm Next Meeting: June 14th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING May 10th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report
6a. Cemetery staking fee $75.00
7. Town Hall legal issues
8. Security Systems
8a. Equipment charges: What will the town pay for use of person equipment.
9. Chairman's Report
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and Mike Lucas, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis, Treasurer: Jean Zoellner attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 251,673.21; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 222,351.22; Investment Pool 78,858.74; Total Cash and Bank accounts 330,531.95; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance 125,966.37. List of checks and spending from 2020 provided.
Elected Members: Ben Mehring, Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas, Jean Zoellner, and Loyetta Dennis sworn in.
Financial: Open for questions.
Open Forum: Upgrade Website.
Meeting adjourned: 7:55pm Next Meeting: May 10th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from February, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 251,673.21; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 222,351.22; Investment Pool 78,858.74; Total Cash and Bank accounts 330,531.95; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance 125,966.37. Recycling: Recycling next week. There was no official report from last month. Good turn out and ample space in dumpsters.
Roads: Wally H reported Cranfoot needs grading and gravel. Stevens road is in poor condition and old culvert is still on side of road. All roads need grading. Bear Trail has trees on the edge of road that need removed. Grundy has a lot of patching work that needs done. Gerbet Lake road needs more gravel and new culvert. John L. reported all roads were swept. Leech road has soft spots. All roads need grading and brushing. Cloverbelt has buckling and soft spots. It should be a couple more weeks before road limits are removed. Hilgy road has a big heave. B. It should be a couple more weeks before road limits are removed. C. Shoreland ordinance 211 Board has no issues with.
Legal Issues: No new issues
New Town Hall: Mike S will finish exterior work. Ben will get quotes to replace stairs and ramp.
Security System: No update.
Illegal Junkyard: County now owns the property.
Equipment charges: Check with other Clerks for next month.
Chairman’s report: Ordinance conditions will be discussed next month. Board Discussed the Town requiring an operating permit from Land Pits in addition to the CUP required from County. John C inquired about culvert on H. Ben said it will be dependent on remaining balance in Road budget.
Meeting adjourned: 6:45pm Next Meeting: May 10th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN VOTING EQUIPMENT TESTING March 30th 5PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING April 20th- 6:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports b. Road Limits and trailers c Shoreland ordinance 211
7. Town Hall legal issues
8. Security Systems
8a. Equipment charges: What will the town pay for use of person equipment.
9. Chairman's Report
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SKANAWAN ANNUAL TOWN BOARD MEETING April 20th - 7:00 p.m.
March 8th- 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports 7. Town Hall legal issues
8. Security Systems
8a. Equipment charges: What will the town pay for use of person equipment.
9. Chairman's Report
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from August, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 470,959.25; Building Fund 29,321.99 ; Spendable Funds 520,487.62; Investment Pool 78,850.36; Total Cash and Bank accounts 549,809.61; Equipment fund 5,000; Highway fund remaining balance 127,00.29 . Recycling: Recycling will be next month. There was no official report.
Roads: John L. reported roads are snow covered and in normal winter condition. Musson’s did a good job plowing and pushing snow back to remove any visual issues. Also, plenty of sand was used. John discussed posting signs with WTA and was informed that all town roads are 55mph unless we post otherwise. Town is allowed to reduce speed limit to 45 mph. If we want to do more than that the town would have to pay to have a study done to prove the request for change. All roads are snow covered, but in normal winter condition. Wally reported that roads are in normal winter condition. He suggested plowing a turn around on the end of Cranefoot Lk road. Also, should discuss with Musson’s where snowmobile trails are so that they don’t plow over them.
New Town Hall: No update
Illegal Junkyard: No Update.
Security system: Will have Security system company come to a Town Hall Meeting.
Chairman’s report: Will discuss equipment payments next month. Ben discussed what the board discussed during their meeting on Non-metallic mining. Board wants to establish the conditions in the ordinance ahead of time, so that, if any company opens any new pit all “Grandfather clauses” would be void. The Board will discuss with Mathy conditions of operation before it is an issue. The board made an initial list of what they would like to see in the ordinance and will contact legal consol to ensure it is done correctly.
Meeting adjourned: 7:49pm Next Meeting: March 8th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from August, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: No Treasurer’s report. Cash and Bank Accounts ; Building Fund ; Spendable Funds ;Investment Pool ; Total Cash and Bank accounts ; Equipment fund ; Highway fund remaining balance . Recycling: Recycling went well the second Saturday of December. There was no official report.
Roads: John L. reported no issues. All roads are snow covered, but in normal winter condition. Musson did a good job the first time plowing. All intersections were sanded. Residents are welcome to give their input on Musson’s plowing, since the Board can’t get to all the roads. Wally reported that Grundy Road blacktop has some pot holes. Gerbert lake has some rough spots that may be due to heaving with the extra frost and no snow. The cost of blacktop vs chip seal is approximately 10x the cost. The Board will get comparison bids in the future. Wally inquired if anyone knew what the sign said at the end of Gerbert Lake Road . We can go ahead in the spring and fix Silver Lake Road boat landing per DNR.
New Town Hall: No update
Illegal Junkyard: No Update.
Security system: Will have Security system company come to a Town Hall Meeting.
Chairman’s report: Board will discuss cemetery costs for opening sites. Wally requested a time the Board could meet to discuss CUP and Ordinance changes. Discuss what the town will pay for personal equipment use.
adjourned: 7:49pm Next Meeting: February 8th, 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING February 8th- 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports 7. Town Hall legal issues
8. Security Systems
9. Chairman's Report
10. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz. Both Treasurer: Jean Zellner and Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from August, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 214,388.67; Building Fund 29,321.99; Spendable Funds 185,066.68; Investment Pool 78,837.18; Total Cash and Bank accounts 263,903.86; Equipment fund 3,894.00; Highway fund remaining balance 36,562.07. Recycling: Recycling went well the second Saturday of November with new winter times. 53 residents participated in recycling and bins were full, but no one was turned away.
Roads: John L. reported Kyes road was graded and improved. Bradly Township plows Kyes road and Skanawan grades it. Birch township grades David Rd and Skanawan plows the road. Hilgy’s road had trash left on the side of the road and the Town had to have it removed. North side of Hilgy’s road starting to get a soft spot in the road.
Wally reported Cranefoot still needs grading. Bear Trail needs a sign. David rd has large rocks which will have to wait till next summer. Gerbert Lk road is in poor shape and rough, will need graded.
Musson Brother’s replied to Ben that they would reduce salt price.
New Town Hall: No update
Illegal Junkyard: Wally reported that more vehicles have been placed on the property.
Security system: Will discuss in 2021.
Chairman’s report: Meverdan did an excellent job on the roads for trip fund. Discussed road work that will need to be done in 2021.
Meeting adjourned: 7:49pm Next Meeting: January 11th, 2020 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN TOWN BOARD BUDGET HEARING Monday November 9th- 6:00 p.m. Followed by
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING November 9th- 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from August, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 202,630.11; Building Fund 29,321.99; Spendable Funds 173,308.12. Investment Pool 78,814.20. Total Cash and Bank accounts 281,444.31. Equipment fund 3,894.00. Highway fund remaining balance 52,462.13. Recycling: Recycling went well in September. Bins were completely filled and individuals were turned away. Mike L requested an additional Saturday on the forth Saturday in September to accommodate the individuals that were turned away. It will be advertised on WJJQ and the website. The board agreed to an additional day on Saturday September 26th. Board also agreed to allow Mike L. to call Advance Disposal, if bins fill quickly.
Roads: Stevens Road has a wet spot where the culvert is bad. Wally sprayed spots on Grundy were chip seal spots need repaired. Ben contacted Musson to install two culverts and do ditch work on various areas along 0.7 miles of Grundy Road. The cost is under $25,000 so the town does not have to post for bids. Ben made a motion to approve the quote from Musson Brothers for 3,940.00 for the two culverts and 11,880.00 for the ditching along 0.70 miles of Grundy Road. Motion was seconded by Wally, and the motion was approved. The Board discussed using Musson Brothers for the winter plowing, instead of LCHD, due to the lack of documentation of what is done in the billing.
New Town Hall: The attorney will send a letter to subcontractor that we will not be paying the claim because work was not completed.
Illegal Junkyard: An email will be sent out.
Community Complaint: Silver lake residents have complaints about excessive rentals not abiding by County zoning. Ben asked the County about the rules for obtaining permits for rentals. The board discussed if there are multiple complaints against a rental can the permit be pulled. At this point there are no formal complaints on record. Silver lake residents need to start calling the authorities when there are any issues.
Silver lake Boat Landing: The Town services the boat landing. It was given a 99 year deed to the Town. Ben will investigated options of repairing the boat landing.
Security system: Will discuss next month.
Chairman’s report: Board discussed where the flag poles will be placed. The poles will have solar lights on the flag.
Meeting adjourned: 7:55pm Next Meeting: October 12th, 2020 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING October 12th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports 7. New Town hall Legal issues
8. Illegal Junkyard
9. Silver Lake issues
10. Security system
11. Chairman's Report
12. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING September 14th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports 7. New Town hall Legal issues
8. Illegal Junkyard
9. Silver Lake issues
10. Security system
11. Chairman's Report
12. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from the May, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Not available Recycling: Recycling went well in July, with 39 residents participating. Both Saturdays had a good turn out and bins are full.
Roads: Leach road has some soft spots. There is only one resident on the road, and they have not complained. The Board will have to have a professional look at options to fix the road. Cloverbelt needs some work done. West side of Silver Lake road needs brush removed. Wally reported Cranefoot has serious washed out areas. The road is used mainly by ATV’s. Stevens road, David road, Peterson road, and Bear Trail road all have washed out areas that need graded. Grundy road had some of the potholes fixed, but still has some spots that need repaired. LCHP does not have the time to doing the ditching, so Ben will investigate getting another company to do the work.
New Town Hall: Ben discussed the situation with an attorney. The attorney will send a letter to subcontractor that we will not be paying the claim because work was not completed.
Illegal Junkyard: A letter will be printed out, signed, and sent this month.
Cemetery Issues: Flag was removed.
Community Complaint: Silver lake residents have complaints about excessive rentals not abiding by county zoning. The Board encourage Silver Lake residents to call the Sheriff’s office when concerned so offensives are on record. They must be documented and reported for action to be taken. Security system: Ben will have Eagle security come out in September and discuss options.
Chairman’s report: Mike Lucas found faucet in women’s room left on.
Comments: Dale C has offered to help out the town cleaning up roads.
Meeting adjourned: 8:25pm Next Meeting: September 14th, 2020 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING Augusat 10th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports 7. New Town hall Legal issues
8. Illegal Junkyard
9. Cemetery rules.
10. Silver Lake issues with Air BnB’s
11. Security system
12. Chairman's Report
13. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis, and Treasurer: Jean Zoellner. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from the May, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Following are the 6/30/20 balances. Cash and Bank Accounts $231,403.77; $29,321.99 toward Building fund, leaving a balance of $202,081.78 of Town funds available. The Investment pool $78,795.87 Equipment Fund of $5,000 - 1106.00 snow blower, and a Contingency Fund of $5000.00. Recycling: Recycling went well in June. Both Saturdays had a good turn out and bins were full. July 11th there were 38 residents. Mike Lucas suggested that we will start opening one bin at a time. Next recycling is scheduled for July 25th.
Roads: $106,591.49 Left in the transportation fund. Proceeded to open up bids. First bid opened was from Meverden Materials for $13.16 per cubic yard, total of $32,900. Second bid was from Peterson Brothers for $20.50 per cubic yard, total of $51,250. Third bid opened was from LCHD for $19.00 per cubic yard, total of 47,500. A motion was made by Ben to accept the Meverden bid for 32,900 to be used towards grant. Vote was taken and approved. The Trip project would be for 2500 yards of gravel placed and rolled . Bids were then opened for chip seal project. First bid opened was from Fahrner Bid was for 0.81 miles double chip seal for $32,248.00 and single chip seal for Popple lane 0.48 miles at $9,827.00 for a total of $42,075. The second Bid was from Pitlik & Wick for the same at a total of $33,123.00. Ben made a motion to accept the bid from Pitlik and John seconded. Vote taken and passed. Ditching is planned to be done by the end of August so that the gravel can be applied after that is completed. John L reported kyes road is a little washed out and will needs some attention later this summer. We will need land owners permission to widen that road. There is a refrigerator is on the side of the road that needs removed. Pitlik will repair the Skanawan Lake road at no cost. S Silver lake road needs brush removed on side of road. Cloverbelt has a spot that needs repaired and will be repaired when chip seal is done. Wally reported Bear Trail needs graded and Gerbek also needs graded. Moose trail still has a bad culvert. There are some spots on Grundy that need repaired. A sign is missing at Grundy and Bear Trail. New Town Hall: Ben discussed the situation with an attorney, and there is no new information at this time. The Town will have to accept it, deny it, or do nothing which is the same as denying the claim. The claim is for $4585.00. The Town has to determine if the work was completed to our satisfaction. The Town will deduct the work that the Town has done to complete the building.
Illegal Junkyard: Letter will be printed out, signed, and sent this month.
Cemetery Issues: Letter was sent to Mr Zastrow certified mail.
Security system: John collected quotes for security system. Board discussed pros and cons.
Chairman’s report: nothing
Comments: Wally received complaints about no flags at the Town Hall. Also, a complaint about a weekend rental on Silver Lake. Those complaints have to go to the county. Judy S came representing Silver L with a complaint of the residence doing a weekend rental and not following the zoning ordinances. Board suggested documenting and reporting issues as it occurs.
Meeting adjourned: 8:25pm Next Meeting: August 10th, 2020 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING July 13th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports b. Trip Fund, road projects, and opening of bids
7. New Town hall Legal issues
8. Illegal Junkyard
9. Cemetery rules.
10. Chairman's Report
11. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis, and Treasurer: Jean Zoellner. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from the May, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Following are the 5/31/20 balances. Cash and Bank Accounts $327,071.35; $29,321.99 toward Building fund, leaving a balance of $297,749.36 of Town funds available. This includes the Investment pool $78,786.59 Equipment Fund of $5,000 - 1106.00 snow blower, and a Contingency Fund of $5000.00. Recycling: Recycling went well in May. Next recycling is scheduled for June 13th.
Roads: John L reported roads are in good condition. With the heavy rains coming Silver Lake rd might become washboard. Leach road has soft spots. West Cloverbelt has a repaired spot that is not holding and needs repaired correctly. Wally reported damaged spot on Stevens road at the failed culvert. The hills on David road are washed out and the old culverts are still in the woods. Bear trail still needs a left turn sign and has washboard spots. Moose Trail culvert needs repaired. Grundy has potholes that need repaired. Grundy road has a damaged spot at N8410. Gerbert Lake road has a culvert that is exposed and can not be graded till culvert is covered with gravel. Ben reported he discussed with John H about our trip fund bid. They felt it would be easier just to bid out gravel for Grundy and Stevens road for the Trip grant. The Town then would have the County do the other road work. The Trip project would be for 2500 yards of gravel placed and rolled on Grundy and Stevens. Ben made a motion for this project for the Trip fund. Wally seconded and the motion passed. The Town would accept the lowest bid. A notice will go into the paper next week and bids will be due by the July 14th meeting. Ben made a motion to accept a quote made by Pitlik and Wick for flex patching on East Silver Lk road, West Silver Lk rd, Skanawan Lake rd, and Popple Lane.
New Town Hall: Ben discussed with the attorney and will get more information next week.
Illegal Junkyard: Wally took photos of new vehicles that have been added to the junkyard.
Liquor License approval: Wally made a motion to approve liquor licenses. Motion was seconded and motion was passed.
Cemetery Issues: John L raised the issue of the Alaskan Flag concreted in at a grave site. The Town will notify Mr Zastrow that the Flag needs to be removed. He will be notified it needs to removed or the Town will remove it and send the cost to Mr Zastrow. John L made a motion that the Flag must be removed within 30 days after Mr Zastrow receives the letter. Wally seconded the motion. The motion passed. The Board discussed what should be allowed in the cemetery.
Chairman’s report: nothing Comments: John C noticed flooring town hall coming up. Discussion of installing a camera. John C asked the Board to get gravel for around the dumpsters.
Meeting adjourned: 8:25pm Next Meeting: July13th, 2020 Written by: Loyetta Dennis, Clerk
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING June 8th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report 6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports b. Trip Fund and road projects
7. New Town hall Legal issues
8. Illegal Junkyard
9. Approval of Birkensee and Clover Club liquor License 10. Cemetery rules.
10. Chairman's Report
11. Public Comments from the Floor Adjournment
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik and John Lazarz, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis, and Treasurer: Jean Zoellner. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben moved to approve the minutes from the February, John seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Following are the /31/20 balances. Cash and Bank Accounts $330,213.42; $29,321.99 toward Building fund, leaving a balance of $222,117.90 of Town funds available. This includes the Investment pool $78,773.53 Equipment Fund of $5,000 - 1106.00 snow blower, and a Contingency Fund of $5000.00. Recycling: Recycling went well. Cardboard was full. Other Bins are almost full.
Open Agenda: Town received letter from Dempsey Law for a lien against the Town Hall. The Certified letter will be sent to our lawyer. Concerning the illegal junkyard Ben has reached out to the local DA to press charges against the owner. He has not heard back. Town will send out letter. Ingman family provided a letter informing the Town that there will be no Memorial Day Program.
Roads: John L reported Leach road is still soft in spots, but vehicles are still driving across it. He will continue to monitor. East Cloverbelt residents ask John about the large gravel on the road and would like it covered with smaller gravel. There were three tires on Hilgey road. Town will place notice on Website to watch for individuals dumping tires on the side of the road. Wally Grundy has issues were chip seal is broken. Two failed culverts on Stevens rd and Moose Trail. Speed sign replaced on Bear Trail. Culvert in the woods on David rd. A lot of trees in the ditches. Wally could not find the missing sign on the curve of Bear Trail and the sign on Grundy. June meeting Board will decide what projects will be sent out for bids.
Comments: Concern of trees that have fallen on the Town Hall property. Ben will take care of removing it and town will have to replace those trees. Mike Lucas asked if Town wants him to continue taking care of lawn. Also, asked about the gravel that was moved around the dumpsters during plowing. Ben will take care of it. Recycling sign needs reposted.
Chairman’s report: Next Meeting June 8th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
Present: Chairman Ben Mehring, Supervisors Mike Sievert and Mike Lucas, Clerk Loyetta Dennis, and Treasurer Jean Zoellner. Also Present: residents/property owners’.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the January 14th meeting were read and accepted. Motion by Mike Lucas, & Mike Sievert
Treasurer’s Report: Following are the 1/31/19 balances. Cash and Bank Accounts: $494,772.92 which includes $77,222.72 Building fund, $240,027.20 will be paid out in taxes, leaving a balance of 177,523.00 of Town funds available. Total cash and bank accounts: $563,285.19, which includes the Investment Pool, $22.03; TCB 91-Day Certificate $77,866.41, Equipment Fund of $5,000, Contingency Fund of $5000.00. Recycling: Recycling went well.
Roads: Mike Sievert reported that the roads are in good condition some spots are snow covered and slippery. The Town will need extra sanding and salt in areas for upcoming storms.
New Town Hall Update: Dry wall is up and painting will be done this week. Flooring will be done next week and supervisors chose white outlets. Mike S and Ben M have been overseeing work done on Town Hall and has had Athens Lumber redo several items to insure everything is done correctly and up to code. Board also contacted Athens Lumber to inform them the Town would not be paying the complete bill that was sent, since all items on the bill were not completed yet. After, a conversation with Athens lumber the board reuced the payment by $5,000.
Town Hall Advisory Committee: John Laazars and Wally Horabik spoke that Joe Cincotta will be attacking the gravel pit from an Industrial point. Joe C sent an overview to the Land Services committee expressing their opinion that ACT 67 does not limit the power of the Municipalities to deny0 CUPs. Also, that the language should be adjusted in ordinances to create classifications of CUPs to give Municipalities more options. Currently, Joe Cincotta is working on a similar situation in Minocqua.
Comments from the Floor:
Meeting adjourned: 7:45 pm
Minutes written by Loyetta Dennis, Town Clerk Next meeting March 18th, 2019 @ 7pm
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Clerk: Loyetta Dennis Also, Present: residents/property owners’.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben M moved to approve the minutes from November, Wally H seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts as of 11//30/22 $362,679.65; Building Fund 44,425.44; Spendable Funds 318,254.21; Investment Pool 79,880.36; Total Cash and Bank accounts $442,560.01; Equipment fund 3,164.44. Recycling: Good turn out. 36 residents. Bins 70% full,
Roads: Mike L no report. Wally reported culverts on David road, that were replaced, were left on the side of the road. Rest of roads are in normal winter condition.
Comments: Wally commented on his opinions of the presentation in October by the County and County Materials. Ben suggested hiring an Attorney when the CUP comes due, Ordinances to be created, and “conditions or use” that should be enforced. Loyetta commented that someone is removing the Town’s posting on the Town’s Boards at the Town Hall and the Cemetery.
Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm Next Meeting: January 9th, 7pm 2023 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING Dec 12 th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Road improvements discussion
7. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
8. Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Treasurer: Jean Zoellner Clerk: Loyetta Dennis attended. Also, Present: residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Transportation Budget motion of 145,000
Explained the budget and expenses for next year.
Discussed large road expenses for next year. 4 culverts at an estimate of 40,000 Blacktop on Grundy at an estimate of 65,000 Repairing of several chip seal projects Chip seal S Silver Bear Trail Blacktop
Adjourned: 6:41pm
Motion made to vote to approve Transportation Budget of by Ben , M. Motion approved by Mike Seivert and John Craig seconded. Voted and approved.
Motion made by John Craig to raise salary of town board members by 3% for the Chairman, Treasurer, & Supervisors, and 23% for the Clerk for 2023 and another 3% for all board members for 2024. Motion approved by Mike S and seconded by Mike L.
5 yeah 3 nay.. Motion passed
meeting adjourned 7:07pm
Minutes: Read. Motion made to approve by Wally H and Seconded by Mike L. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts 454,881.03; Building Fund 27,821.99 ; Spendable Funds 490,092.48; Investment Pool 79,636.89; Total Cash and Bank accounts 534,517.92 Equipment fund 4,748.86; Highway fund remaining balance
Town Budget : Ben M made a motion to approve 2023 Town Budget with the increase for the Transportation budget and payroll increase for Townboard. By Ben M and seconded by Wally H. Budget and payroll approved. Meeting adjourned: 7:10pm Next Meeting: dec 12th, 6pm 2021 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING October 11 th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Road improvements discussion c. 2023 Road budget d. Gravel pits - county road S improvement - Tony Tomashek e. Bear Trail grading
7. Budget 2023 concerns November Budget Meeting
8. Salaries
9. Broadband grant
10. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
12. Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Clerk: Loyetta Dennis Also, Present: residents/property owners’.
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ben M moved to approve the minutes from April , Wally H seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts as of 8/31/22 $415,798.14; Building Fund 44,425.44; Spendable Funds 450,343.92; Investment Pool 78,971.22; Total Cash and Bank accounts $494,769.36; Equipment fund 3,164.44. Recycling: Recycling was done by Jeffery W. Bins are full and one resident turned away. 39 residents attended. Town needs to place limits on the amount of recycling residents can turn in at one time.
Roads: Mike L reported that roads had not been inspected. Wally reported Craigfoot look okay, Stevens road needs culvert repaired, and Beartrail is in poor shape. Grundy chipseal looks good. Gerbet is a little washed out.
Gravel Pits: Opening gravel pits for County Road S. Tony Tomashek could not make the meeting tonight.
Dan Daigle commented that we need guard rail on County Rd S new bridge. Also, Bear Trail is not being graded monthly or done well. Suggested adding clay to road and gravel. He will follow up with suggestions from other road companies.
Joe Dorava commented the need for truck noise relief. Suggested a sign requiring a not engine braking.
Tylor said is not engine braking, but the lack of exhaust pipe. He suggested residents contact police dept to issue ticket.
Chairmans Report: Ben will get signs for recycling.
Posting boards need done at Cemetery and Town Hall Meeting adjourned: 7:45 pm Next Meeting: October 11th, 7pm 2022 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING TUESDAY Sept 13th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Road improvements discussion
7. Gravel pits Tony Tomashek
8. Broadband grant
9. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
10 Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Treasurer: Jean Zoellner, Clerk: Loyetta Dennis Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Also, Present: residents/property owners’.
Treasurer's report was read on 7/11/22 meeting and available at town hall.
Minutes were read and approved by board on 7/25/22.
Meeting was specifically to open bids and discusss roads.
Motion was made to decline bids and investigate ways to make improvements to Bear Trail road.
Discussion on Chip Sealing Bear Trail Road. Residents presented views for and against.
Town will hold another meeting August 8th at 7pm.
Loyetta Dennis Clerk
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Open bids and accept or decline
12. Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Also, Present: residents/property owners’.
Treasurer's report was read and available at town hall.
Clerk was not present but minutes were read and approved by board.
Roads in same condition as May meeting. Discussion on Chip Sealing Bear Trail Road. Residents presented views for and against. Board decided to hold off on decision till further discussion. Board is consulting with Musson Brothers and LCHD on alternatives ways to improve Trail Road.
Town will hold another meeting July 25th at 7pm.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Clerk: Loyetta Dennis Also, Present: residents/property owners’.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Wally H moved to approve the minutes from April , Ben M. seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts as of 4/30/22 $433,204.89; Building Fund 44,425.44; Spendable Funds 309,849.63; Investment Pool 78,929.82; Total Cash and Bank accounts $433,204.89; Equipment fund 3,164.44. Recycling: Recycling next week.
Roads: Ben M will contact Pitlick concerning roads. Musson’s will be contacted to come out and sweep the roads. All roads in normal spring condition.
Chairmans Report: Ben will follow up on sign for recycling violations. Ben will be getting letter from Vilas County resident asking us to join a fight to exceed levy limits. A request was made for permission to have dumpster delivered and it will remain till road limits go off.
Meeting adjourned: 7:47pm Next Meeting: June 13th, 7pm 2022 By: Loyetta Dennis
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING June 13th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report 8. Petition WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan.
9. Broadband grant
10. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
12. Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING April 11th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report 8. Petition WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan.
9. Broadband
10. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations
12. Public Open Comments from the Floor Adjournment NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman: Ben Mehring, Supervisors: Wally Horabik, Mike Lucas Clerk: Loyetta Dennis Also, Present: residents/property owners’.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Wally H moved to approve the minutes from February, Mike L seconded. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash and Bank Accounts as of 2/28/22 $350,733.20; Building Fund 27,821.99 ; Spendable Funds 322,911.21; Investment Pool 78,894.46; Total Cash and Bank accounts $429,627.66; Equipment fund 5,000. Recycling: Wally H reported that Jeffrey Wagner handled recycling and it went well. 36 Residents participated. Bins are 75% full. Need individual to take Mike Lucas position as Rcycling Chairman.
Roads: Mike L reported lots of ice on roads. Stevenson has icy spots. Most roads have extra gravel on shoulders of roads due to plowing. Ben will talk with Musson Brothers. Mainly, most of the roads are normal spring conditions with heaving due to frost. Wally roads are icy. Gerbik road has large hump in road. Ben had sand placed on several spots when residents called. Stop ahead sign on Grundy was temporarily fixed. Wally will call about the culvert posts. B. Novinski requested to run his truck during road limits on Skanawan Lake rd. Only when empty. Empty 27,500#s. Novinski will provide scale slip. John L mentioned that there is an extra layer of asphalt on Skanawan lake road years ago for the milk trucks. Board will watch for rutting on this road and Stevenson. Ben made motion to accept Novinski request for travel of his empty trailer during road limits, after receiving scale slip, for 2022 . Wally seconded and motion passed. WPS Petitions: tabled
Broadband: tabled Wally will talk with Mark S to follow up.
Chairmans Report: Ben will follow up on sign for recycling violations. Broadband discussion. Ben discussed hiring someone to help clean up trees, logs, and branches on sides of roads.
Comments: John L reported Skanawan Lake Road sign is knocked over and will need fixed after frost is out of the ground. Apryl Cerkas.
Monday March 14th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report
b. Novovinski trailer during road limits
7. Broadband grant 8. WPS petition
9. Recycle sign up 10. Chairman's Report
12. Public Open Comments from the Floor
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING Wednesday February 16th - 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Report b. Tylor request to discuss road limit for trailer. 8. WTA advice on Petition to get WPS to bury power lines in Skanawan.
9. Security System update.
10. BOR date Open Book Monday May 9th, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Board of Review Monday May 16th, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
11. Chairman's Report a. Ordinances and sign for Recycle violations b. Broadband
12. Public Open Comments from the Floor
TOWN OF SKANAWAN AGENDA FOR THE TOWN BOARD MEETING March 18th- 7:00 p.m. Checks written & drawn 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Recycling Report
6. Roads a. Supervisors' Reports
7. Update New Town Hall
8. Town Advisory Committee a. Gravel pit update
9. Chairman's Report
10. Public Comments from the Floor
NOTE: Action may be taken on any topic.
Present: Chairman Ben Mehring, Supervisors Mike Sievert and Mike Lucas, and Treasurer Jean Zoellner. Also, Present: 3 town residents/property owners’. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the April 9th meeting were read and accepted. Motion by Ben M., Mike Sievert. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported 12/31/17 balances of the following: Checking Account: 481,799.36; Investment Pool: 21.67; TCB 91-Day Certificate: 77,730.66; Total cash and bank accounts: 559,551.69; which includes the Equipment Fund of 4,804.20 which was transferred to the building fund; a Contingency fund of 3,002.00 which was also transferred to the Building fund; with a new building fund of 131,787.92.
Following are the3/31/18 balances. Checking Account: $382,417.45; Investment Pool, $21.73; TCB 91-Day Certificate, $77,730.66. Total cash and bank accounts: $460,169.84, which includes the Equipment Fund of $5,000; Building Fund, $131,983.72 and Contingency Fund of $5000.00. Recycling: none Open Discussion: Jean reported that we increased our building fund. However, the concern from the board is that quotes for the New Town Hall will come in much higher than our building fund. At that time the Town Board will decide whether to wait to build or transfer funds from the town’s balance to fund the building.
Road projects for the year was the next topic of discussion. The culvert on Grundy road needs repaired, crack sealing needs done on as many of the asphalt roads that the Town can afford to do, spot repairs on N Grundy road need done, and the road budget will be over this year due to the extra snow plowing costs in April.
Question was raised if the Towns finances will balanced; Jean and Loyetta replied that they would balance their books to balance with the bank starting as of 1/1/18, since they could find nothing but of few forgotten deposits and nothing else of subsequence.
Recycling this month was good, however, we need to have an official sign in book. So a sign in book will be kept at Town Hall to ensure this is being done.
Meeting adjourned 7:40pm.
Chairman’s Report: Comments from the Floor: Nothing Minutes written by Loyetta Dennis, Town Clerk Next meeting Meeting May 14th, 2018 @ 6:30pm